Privacy Policy
Movement Physio observes the normal tenets of professional confidentiality as well as the requirements of the Privacy Act.
Confidentiality and Privacy
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.
Record Keeping
Information about a patient may be released to parties outside the practice only with the explicit consent of the patient. Release of information will normally require a written consent to disclosure signed by the patient. Verbal agreement may be accepted only when both patient and staff member agree that the circumstances do not require the formality of a written agreement.
Release of information
Information may be disclosed without the consent of a patient when:
There exists a clear danger to the patient or to others
There exists a legal obligation to do so.
Legal obligation includes such circumstances as a court subpoena, a valid search warrant, or such other legislated requirements as may be in force at any given time.